The Benefits of Chores for Young Children
By Dr. Kristi Smith, D.ED., M.Ed.   •   October 7, 2024

When I tap into my childhood memories, I remember the routine of family chores as being a positive part of my young life. When I look back into the rearview mirror of my life, not only did my help in doing chores contribute to my parents’ work-life balance, but it was a path to my life-long happiness. You might be wondering how doing chores as a child has made me a happy adult. I learned so many things, such as cleaning hacks, how to take criticism when my performance was lacking luster, negotiating skills as I learned how to barter chores with my brother, the benefits of intrinsic rewards that come from completing a menial task, and how to be a banker. Yes, a banker! My allowance was tied to me doing my share of the chores. As my piggy bank rose, I learned to choose my spending wisely, counting money, opening a bank account, writing checks, and balancing my books. These are just a few of the life-long lessons that I learned from doing chores that have brought me much happiness and self-actualization as an adult.

With benefits such as I experienced, why have parents stopped requiring children to do chores? Sociologist Jean Twenge wrote in her book, Generations (2023), that the trend to increased individualism and letting children define their own role in life is the culprit. Other reasons might include parents not having time to do chores, not trusting children to do a good job, and not wanting the conflict of making children do “work.” said in a May 2024 article, “No, Really, Your Kids Need to Do Chores,” that only 28% of parents make their children do chores.

Children and chores is a hot trending topic for developmental researchers. In March  2024, the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics reported research that showed that children who begin doing chores in their preschool years have higher levels of self-confidence and self-worth. Harvard Research also released a report during that same month showing the connection between doing chores and later professional success. In 2022, La Trobe University researched this subject and found that chores improved children's brain function and resulted in higher levels of problem-solving skills and academic success.

At Children’s Lighthouse, we understand the value of teaching children to help. So much that one of our curriculum’s Character Value of the Month is helpfulness! Incorporating chores into the daily routines of children offers a wealth of benefits that extend beyond simply maintaining a clean room. Each of our preschool classrooms has a Lighthouse CARES® Job Chart to help nurture essential life skills, foster classroom cohesion, and give children a sense of ownership within a community.

1. Building Responsibility and Independence - One of the primary benefits of chores is that they help children develop a sense of responsibility and independence. When children are given age-appropriate tasks, they learn that their contributions matter and that their actions have an impact on their environment. For instance, a 2-year-old might help by putting away toys, while a 10-year-old might manage their own laundry. These responsibilities instill a sense of ownership and accomplishment, crucial elements for developing self-reliance.

2. Teaching Essential Life Skills - Chores are practical tools for teaching children vital life skills. Simple tasks like setting the table or sorting laundry provide opportunities for children to learn organizational skills, time management, and basic problem-solving. As children grow older, they can take on more complex tasks such as meal preparation or budgeting, which further enhances their ability to manage daily responsibilities effectively. By learning these skills early on, children are better prepared for the challenges of adulthood.

3. Fostering a Sense of Teamwork - When children participate in household chores, they contribute to the family’s collective effort. This fosters a sense of teamwork and cooperation, teaching children the value of working together toward a common goal. Understanding that every family member plays a role in maintaining a harmonious home environment helps children appreciate the importance of collaboration and mutual support.

4. Enhancing Self-Esteem and Confidence - Successfully completing chores can significantly boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence. When children are entrusted with tasks and see the tangible results of their efforts, they experience a sense of achievement. This positive reinforcement encourages them to take on new challenges and persevere through difficulties, reinforcing their belief in their capabilities.

5. Encouraging Good Habits and Discipline - Regularly performing chores helps instill good habits and discipline in children. Establishing a routine for chores teaches children the importance of consistency and adherence to responsibilities. It also reinforces the notion that work is a regular part of life, promoting a strong work ethic that will benefit them throughout their lives.

6. Promoting Family Health and Well-being - Involving children in chores contributes to overall family health and well-being. A clean and organized home reduces stress and creates a more pleasant living environment. Moreover, when children participate in household tasks, it alleviates some of the burdens on parents, reducing stress and fostering a more balanced family dynamic. This collaborative approach also allows for more quality time spent together, strengthening family bonds.

7. Providing Opportunities for Learning and Growth - Chores offer valuable learning experiences that extend beyond the tasks themselves. For example, while helping with cooking, children learn about nutrition and basic cooking techniques. Similarly, organizing their rooms can teach them about categorization and spatial awareness. These everyday experiences are rich with educational potential, contributing to a well-rounded development.

All families can use a little more of these benefits! Involving children in chores is more than just a means of keeping the house in order—it’s an investment in their development and the overall health of the family. By fostering responsibility, teaching essential life skills, promoting teamwork, and encouraging good habits, chores play a crucial role in preparing children for future challenges. Additionally, the shared effort of maintaining a household strengthens family bonds and contributes to a more harmonious home environment. So, the next time you consider delegating tasks, remember that you’re not just assigning chores—you’re nurturing growth, confidence, and a sense of belonging.

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