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The Lighthouse Learning Wall
New Year New Approach
The beginning of a New Year is a time where most adults are making resolutions and goals that will guide their behavior and decisions in the New Year. It is a time of assessing past choices and... Keep Reading
Tips to Redirect Negative Behaviors in Children
When a baby enters their parent’s lives, they are wonderful! Even though they rob parents of sleep and are extremely needy, that little innocent bundle of joy is wonderful. Then, as the child... Keep Reading
Give the Gift of Fun and Learning
December is a wonderful time for many cultural celebrations. Families get together. Mounds of food are cooked and enjoyed. Beautiful lights and decorations go up. Candles are lit. While all of these... Keep Reading
Put Down the Phones at Family Dinners
Go to a restaurant almost anywhere and simply observe those eating around you. Every table will have people enjoying dinner of all different ages, ethnicities, and family types. Sadly, one... Keep Reading
Expressing Gratitude- A Skill for Everyone
November is national “Gratitude” month as it naturally matches the overall feelings and emotions that are brought up around the harvest season and Thanksgiving. Gratitude is also the... Keep Reading
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