The Lighthouse Learning Wall
Gratitude in an Unappreciative World
grat • i • tude   noun the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness Synonyms: gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation,... Keep Reading
Is Your Child Contagious?
With fall and cooler weather comes cold and flu season. After all, everyone playing inside is a recipe for sharing germs. Though hard to avoid, it's important to recognize when your child is sick or... Keep Reading
Helpfulness in an Unhappy World
help • ful • ness    noun the property of being helpful help • ful    adjective the property of providing useful service or assistance According to researchers such as... Keep Reading
Parenting Without Power Struggles
Parenting is hard for a lot of reasons. Other than the obvious - feeding them, bathing them, getting them to school on time, and generally just keeping them alive - establishing the power dynamic... Keep Reading
Movement and Breathing Breaks
Getting children moving is an important factor in gearing them up for their greatest potential. Practicing healthy breathing techniques is also a key element in physical, mental and emotional... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years
Mon, Mar 17