The Lighthouse Learning Wall
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
The decision on whether or not to enroll children in preschool or an early learning program can be stressful for parents. They may not see the benefit to it, or, may feel that their child can learn... Keep Reading
Taking Care of You to Better Care for Them
Let's be real, parenting is incredibly challenging. It can be emotionally, physically and mentally exhausting. Arguably some of the hardest parts of parenting are handling situations where your child... Keep Reading
How Technology Impacts Sleep
Getting a good night's sleep is essential to living a healthy lifestyle. Both you and your child need regular sleep to keep your brains active and focused throughout the day.  It's especially... Keep Reading
Patience in a Have It Now World
pa • tience   noun the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset Synonyms: forbearance, tolerance, restraint, self-restraint, stoicism... Keep Reading
Importance of Family Time
Family time is incredibly important for raising a healthy and secure child. Experts agree that attention from their parents and family helps lower anxiety and promotes success in children. The... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years
Mon, Mar 17