The Lighthouse Learning Wall
The Benefits of Reading to Our Children
In today's world of screens and video media, we sometimes forget about the joy of reading. Reading books aloud to your kids can be the most peacefully rewarding part of your everyday life if you set... Keep Reading
Good Citizenship in a Me-Driven World
good cit • i • zen    adjective & noun having superior qualities to fill a particular role; an inhabitant of a particular town or city  What do you think of when you see our... Keep Reading
Summer Safety
Warmer weather means sprinkler fun, swimming pools and outside family time! However, extra precautions need to be taken to make sure our kids stay safe outdoors. Summertime can be hazardous because... Keep Reading
Courage in a Bubble-Wrapped World
cou • rage     noun the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or grief synonyms: bravery, pluck, valor, daring, audacity, boldness, grit Let's take... Keep Reading
kind • ness    noun the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate Be kind. These two simple words composed one of my three classroom rules when I was a preschool... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years
Mon, Jan 13