The Lighthouse Learning Wall
Raising Confident Children
Raising confident and self-assured kids can be tough. Our world can be challenging, and it's important to raise a child who knows they are strong, smart, and can take on what their future has in... Keep Reading
Chores for Children
Motivating children to help around the house can be a challenge. Whether it's doing the dishes or pulling weeds in the yard, it can be tough to get them to participate. However, there are great... Keep Reading
Cooperation in a Self-Centered World
co • op • er • a • tion    noun actions of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted, to ask for: common effort; assistance with ready compliance, work together When my... Keep Reading
Bedtime Tips
Most parents can agree that one of the hardest obstacles of the day is getting through their bedtime routine with their children. The children are incredibly cranky, but also entirely resilient in... Keep Reading
Pride in a Self-Centered World
pride    verb a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements and/or the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated Can pride be considered a... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years
Mon, Jan 13