Meet Felicia the Fox: Representing Gratitude!
By Dr. Kristi Smith, D.Ed., M.Ed.   •   November 26, 2024

Children’s Lighthouse Early Learning School has a new Character Value Friends™ Enrichment Unit, which is a perfect way to help children learn important lessons that support positive character development. Gratitude is the character value for the month of November because of the connection to our country’s Thanksgiving holiday.

Gratitude can be a difficult concept to explain, much less teaching young children. At Children’s Lighthouse, we teach that It is the quality of being thankful or grateful. Gratitude is a deeper emotion than thankfulness. By definition, thankfulness is an expression of thanks, while gratitude is an emotional state tied to the act of showing appreciation for something done or received.

Felicia the Fox is the perfect Character Value Friend™ because she represents many aspects of theme integration into the November curriculum at Children’s Lighthouse’s early learning schools. Research has shown that children engage in a deeper level of learning when content is taught in connection with a theme. Our preschool programs’ themes for November are Fall, Forest Animals, and Giving Thanks. Alliteration, the repetition of letters and their sounds is another fantastic early literacy learning tool. Our letters of the month are F, G, and I. To meet our objectives of teaching a well-rounded, comprehensive curriculum in science and social studies, Felicia the Fox lives in the forests of Peru on the continent of South America. As you can see, Felicia the Fox is a perfect mascot for the month of November at Children’s Lighthouse!

We would like you to meet our friend, Felicia the Fox! Felicia is a very special fox who lives in the beautiful forests of Peru, which is on the continent of South America. The forest is full of tall trees, colorful birds, and all kinds of animals, and it’s the perfect home for Felicia.

Some people might think that foxes look like pets, maybe a little like dogs or cats, but foxes are wild animals! That means they don’t live with humans in houses or apartments like your pets do. Felicia, like all foxes, loves to roam free in the forest. She enjoys running through the trees, exploring all the hidden spots, and finding her favorite snacks.

Felicia the Smart Fox - Did you know that foxes are very intelligent animals? Felicia is no exception! She is always thinking, exploring, and solving little problems as she goes about her day. Foxes are known for being clever. They use that cleverness to survive in the wild. For example, Felicia might dig a burrow to make a safe and cozy home, or she might figure out how to sneak around quietly to find food without being noticed.

Most of the time, foxes like to live by themselves. Felicia usually enjoys her time alone, spending her days exploring and looking after herself. But sometimes, when there are other foxes around, they can be good friends, too.

Gratitude: A Special Way to Say "Thank You" - Did you know that foxes have a special way of showing their gratitude? When foxes are friends, they sometimes clean each other’s fur! It’s like saying, "I appreciate you!" Felicia has been seen cleaning other foxes when she’s with her fox friends, and they do the same for her. Just like we might show our appreciation by sending a “thank you” note, foxes have their own special way of doing it. Isn’t that nice?

What Does Felicia's Name Mean? Felicia’s name is very special, too! In Peru, the name "Felicia" means "fortunate." Do you know what "fortunate" means? It means "lucky" or "blessed." Felicia is a very fortunate fox because she has a wonderful home in the forest, and she knows how to show gratitude to her friends. With her sharp mind and grateful heart, Felicia is always making sure she lives happily in her forest home. The name fits her perfectly, don’t you think?

Foxes are Amazing Animals! - Felicia is just one example of how amazing foxes are. From their clever thinking to their nice way of showing thanks, foxes like Felicia are full of surprises. While Felicia may look like a pet, she’s happiest living in the wild with all the freedom to run and explore.

November is a perfect month to help children learn not only about thankfulness but also how to show their gratitude to the people in their lives by doing something special for them. Writing thank you notes to their doctor, making Thanksgiving placemats for the neighborhood fire department, or waiting for the mail carrier to say “thank you” are just a few ways to practice gratitude.

During this season of thanksgiving, think about showing someone gratitude, just like our friend Felicia the Red Fox!

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