The Lighthouse Learning Wall
Meet Felicia the Fox: Representing Gratitude!
Children’s Lighthouse Early Learning School has a new Character Value Friends™ Enrichment Unit, which is a perfect way to help children learn important lessons that support positive character... Keep Reading
Meet Bala the Beaver: Representing Helpfulness!
In a world brimming with creativity and imagination, the Children’s Lighthouse early learning schools stand out for their new character value enrichment unit that gives life to lovable animals... Keep Reading
Raising Children To Be Helpers In Their Community
Raising children to be active, helpful community members is a valuable goal and can be achieved through intentional actions and mindset shifts. Having exposure to opportunities for children to help... Keep Reading
The Benefits of Chores for Young Children
When I tap into my childhood memories, I remember the routine of family chores as being a positive part of my young life. When I look back into the rearview mirror of my life, not only did my help in... Keep Reading
Self-Care: The Key to Becoming a Better Parent
New parents often find that self-care takes a back seat when they are focused on caring for their young children. This is understandable because young children depend on their parents to meet all... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years