The Lighthouse Learning Wall
Dyslexia in Children
Most parents know and value the impact reading has on their child. Parents should begin reading to their children as babies/toddlers and continue throughout their preschool years and elementary... Keep Reading
Reading With Toddlers
Everyone has heard of the importance of reading to children from a young age. Reading to children helps expose them to new vocabulary, builds literacy skills, and hopefully creates a love of reading... Keep Reading
How to Raise a Body-Confident Child
As adults, we all know what it’s like to have dips in our self-esteem.  Everyone suffers from lacking self-confidence during difficult periods in their lives, and it can be absolutely... Keep Reading
Anxiety in Children
As an adult with children of my own now, I finally have the reference to look back and identify all the signs of anxiety that manifested in multiple ways in multiple situations growing up. Many of... Keep Reading
Temper The Tantrums
Anytime I’m in a store and see a parent ignoring their child while they are in the throes of a temper tantrum, I want to want to give them a high five.  It takes guts to turn attention to... Keep Reading
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Children's Ages
6 Weeks - 24 Months
2 - 5 Years
Kindergarten - 12 Years
Mon, Mar 31